ProcureCon Indirect 2017 (past event)

04 - 06 April, 2017

Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport

44 (0) 207 036 1309

Sony Logo

Robert Schneider

Servicing Delivery Manager Germany

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Robert.

Download The Latest Agenda

Conference Day Three – Thursday 6 April 2017

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

14:50 All star panel – How can you a implement a ‘glocalised’ procurement model to collaborate with each of your local lines of business and quickly identify and fulfil requirements across your global business?

  • How to maximize your supplier agreements across your business.
  • How can the increasing use of technology change how you agree terms with your supplier?
  • How can the implementation of global rate cards enhance commercial agreements, project discounts and annual volume discounts?
  • How can suppliers help to extend agreed contracts across your ‘glocalised’ business?