ProcureCon Indirect 2017 (past event)

04 - 06 April, 2017

Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport

44 (0) 207 036 1309

Michael Pearson, Group Head of Procurement at Aspen Group
Aspen Group Logo

Michael Pearson

Group Head of Procurement
Aspen Group

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Michael.

Download The Latest Agenda

Conference Day Two – Wednesday 5 April 2017

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

12:20 Mimosa round tables – How can you develop your procurement strategy in specific spend categories to influence top-line growth?

Round table 1: IT Kaushik Yathindra, Procurement Analytics, HSBC

Round table 2: Facilities Management - Frederik Meilby Viuf Rasmussen, Category Manager, PFA

Round table 3: Travel Esther Haaksman, CPO, Unit 4,

Round table 4: Professional Services/Legal - Michael Pearson, Group Head of Procurement, Aspen Group

Round table 5: HR/Contingent Workforce - Katrina Hutchinson-O’Neill, Head of Resourcing and Workforce Planning, Nationwide

Round table 6: Digital Procurement Transformation- Mike Lunt, Senior Sales Director Technology, GEP (invite only)

Round table 7: Marketing

Round table 8: MRO/CapEx

Conference Day Three – Thursday 6 April 2017

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

14:50 All star panel – How can you a implement a ‘glocalised’ procurement model to collaborate with each of your local lines of business and quickly identify and fulfil requirements across your global business?

  • How to maximize your supplier agreements across your business.
  • How can the increasing use of technology change how you agree terms with your supplier?
  • How can the implementation of global rate cards enhance commercial agreements, project discounts and annual volume discounts?
  • How can suppliers help to extend agreed contracts across your ‘glocalised’ business?