ProcureCon Indirect 2017 (past event)

04 - 06 April, 2017

Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport

44 (0) 207 036 1309

Malgorzata Debska, Global Procurement, Regional Category Team Lead Poland at Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank Logo

Malgorzata Debska

Global Procurement, Regional Category Team Lead Poland
Deutsche Bank

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Malgorzata.

Download The Latest Agenda

Conference Day One – Tuesday 4 April 2017

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

14:30 All star panel – How can you ensure transparency and visibility with your internal business partners to prove added value to your business?

  • How can you be a driver of your business’ goal or mantra?
  • What does added-value mean to your business?
  • How do you design a business strategy that procurement can implement and support?
  • How to understand your consumer to understand your business
  • How can you select the opportunities that will last, grow and gain momentum?

Conference Day Three – Thursday 6 April 2017

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

14:50 All star panel – How can you a implement a ‘glocalised’ procurement model to collaborate with each of your local lines of business and quickly identify and fulfil requirements across your global business?

  • How to maximize your supplier agreements across your business.
  • How can the increasing use of technology change how you agree terms with your supplier?
  • How can the implementation of global rate cards enhance commercial agreements, project discounts and annual volume discounts?
  • How can suppliers help to extend agreed contracts across your ‘glocalised’ business?